
sack [s?k] n. ①粗布袋;袋,包


vt. ①抢夺②解雇

sacred [?seikrid] a. ①神圣的,郑重的


sacred writings宗教经典


He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father’s wishes. 他认为实现父亲的遗愿是神圣的义务。

【习惯用语】①be sacred from免除,不受

②hold sacred尊重,保护

sacrifice [?s?krifais] n. 牺牲;牺牲品;祭品

v. 祭祀;牺牲,献身

【习惯用语】①at a sacrifice亏本,蚀本(出售)②at [by] the sacrifice of靠牺牲……,以……为代价③fall a sacrifice to成为……的牺牲品;成为……的受害者

【试题精练】Sometimes you have to make a_____to get what you want.

A. loss

B. compensation

C. compromise

D. sacrifice

【答案】D. sacrifice n./vt. 牺牲,献身;献祭(如Parents often make sacrifices for their children. Our teacher does not approve of any sacrifice of studies to sports. I could sacrifice a great deal for a cause.)。

make a loss (of)减少;减价。

compensation n. 补偿,弥补。compromise n. 妥协,相互让步;折中办法。

saddle [?s?d(?)l] n. 鞍,马鞍

v. 使负担

safeguard [?seifɡɑ?d] vt. 保护,保卫

safety [?seifti] n. ①安全,平安

②(武器上的)保险销(=safety catch)

【习惯用语】①for safety为安全起见,以保证安全②in safety平安地,安全地③play for safety稳扎稳打,不冒风险,谨慎行事

sail [seil] n. 帆;航行

v. 驾船,航行

【习惯用语】①set sail起航,开船②ake the wind out of sb’s sail先发制人;占某人上风;使人无以答对

sailor [?seil?(r)] n. 海员,水手

saint [seint] n. ①圣人(sage, Man of God)


sake [seik] n. ①缘故,理由


do sth for the sake of one’s family为家庭做某事


for God’s sake看在上帝的分上

【习惯用语】①art for art’s sake为艺术而艺术,艺术至上主义②for all [both] our sakes为了大家[你我双方]③for any sake好歹,无论如何

salad [?s?l?d] n. 色拉,凉拌菜;生食菜

【习惯用语】①apple salad苹果色拉②Caesar salad凯萨色拉,西泽民凉拌菜③chicken salad鸡丁沙拉,鸡沙拉

salary [s?l?ri] n. 薪水

vt. 给……加薪

salesman [?seilzm?n] n. 售货员,推销员

salt [s??lt;s?lt] vt. 用盐腌 n. ①食盐②趣味;刺激Adventure is the salt of life to some men. 对某些人来说,冒险是生活的刺激。③有经验的水手,饱经风霜的海员He’s an old salt. 他是一位富有经验的海员。

【习惯用语】①rub salt in sb’s wounds加深某人的忧伤或痛苦②take with a grain of salt对……持怀疑态度;有所保留③the salt of the earth社会中坚分子;高尚的人

salty [?s??lti;?s?lti] a. ①咸的


salute [s??lu?t] vt. ①向……敬礼,向…致意


n. 敬礼,致意

salvation [s?l?vei?(?)n] n. 拯救,救助

sanction [?s??k?(?)n] n. 批准,同意,支持,制裁,认可

v. 批准,同意,支持,鼓励,认可

sand [s?nd] n. 沙,砂;(pl.)沙滩

sane [sein] a. ①心智健全的,神志正常的②清醒的,明智的,合情合理的

sarcastic [sɑ??k?ztik] a. 讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的

satire [?s?tai?(r)] n. ①讽刺,讥讽②讽刺作品

satisfaction [?s?tis?f?k?(?)n] n. 满足,满意,称心

【习惯用语】①demand satisfaction要求赔偿;要求恢复名誉;要求决斗②enter (up) satisfaction[律]在法院备案表明已偿还应付款项③entry of satisfaction[律]偿清登记

satisfactory [?s?tis?f?kt?ri] a. 令人满意的

satisfy [?s?tisfai] vt. ①使满足,使满意


③(常与of, that连用)使确信;使消除疑虑

I am satisfied that he is guilty. 我确信他有罪。

【习惯用语】①rest satisfied (with)对……心满意足②satisfy of 使对……感到信服,使相信③satisfy oneself彻底弄清楚;证明

【词义辨析】satisfy, content和please


You can’t vote until you have_____all the formal conditions.

A. satisfied

B. qualified

C. completed

D. cleared

【答案】A. satisfy vt. 满足(条件、要求、需要);使满意(如Do you satisfy the entry requirements for that college? The cold water satisfied our thirst.)。qualify (for) v.(使)具有资格,(使)胜任,(使)合适。complete vt. 完成;使完整,使完全。clear vt. 打扫,清除。

saturate [?s?t??reit] vt. ①使湿透,浸透②使充满,使饱和

saucer [?s?;s?(r)] n. 碟子,茶托

sausage [?s?sid?;(US)?s??sid?] n. ①香肠,腊肠②香肠肉馅

savage [?s?vid?] a. ①残暴的,凶猛的,粗鲁的


n. 野蛮人,粗鲁的人

vt. ①乱咬②猛烈抨击

savings [?seivi?z] n. 储蓄,存款

scale [skeil] n./vt. 刻度;比例尺;规模;(pl.)天平秤;等级,比例

【习惯用语】the scales fell from my eyes我茅塞顿开

scan [sk?n] v. ①浏览,略读;扫描


scandal [?sk?nd(?)l] n. 耻辱

Disclosure of the senator’s underworld ties gave rise to a nationwide_____.

A. scandal

B. rumour

C. comment

D. flutter

【答案】A. scandal n. 反感,愤慨;丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语(如They kept the matter secret in order to avoid a scandal. Housing conditions in the slums are a scandal. spread scandal about one’s neighbor)。rumo(u)r n. 传闻,谣言。comment (on) n. 评论,意见。flutter n. 激动不安,紧张(可与不定冠词连用)。

scar [skɑ?(r)] n. 伤疤,疤痕

vt./vi. ①使有伤痕,结疤

scarce [sk??s] a. 缺乏的;稀少的

make oneself scarce离开,退避

scarcely [?sk??sli] ad. 几乎不,简直没有

He can scarcely have said so. 他一定不会这么说。

【习惯用语】①scarcely any简直没有②scarcely ever偶然,极少③scarcely less简直一样,简直相等

【词义辨析】scarcely, hardly和barely




【试题精练】He left in such a hurry that I_____had time to thank him.

A. almost

B. nearly

C. rarely

D. scarcely

【答案】D. scarcely ad. 几乎不,简直不;刚刚……(就)(多与动词连用,放在主动词前或be后,如I scarcely think he could have done it; He can scarcely read. A better carpenter was scarcely to be found. Scarcely had I come in when the phone rang.)。almost ad. 几乎,差不多。nearly ad. 几乎,差不多。rarely ad. 很少,难得。

scare [sk??(r)] vt. ①受惊,惊恐

②(常与away, off, up连用)把……吓跑The dogs scared the thief away. 那些狗把贼吓跑了。

【习惯用语】①be more scared than hurt自找烦恼;虚惊;伤不重,受惊不小②be scared of 害怕③be scared stiff [hollow]被吓坏,被吓呆

scarf [skɑ?f] n. 围巾,头巾,披肩

scatter [?sk?t?(r)] v. ①驱散;撤


to scatter gravel on an icy road在冰冻的道路撒上砂石

【长难例句】Scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots. 在地球上散布着100多处小范围的火山活动地区,地质学家称它们为热点地区。

【词义辨析】scatter, disperse和dispel




【试题精练】Paper clips, drawing pins and safety-pins were_____all over the floor.

A. scattered

B. sprayed

C. spread

D. dispersed

【答案】A. scatter vt. 撒,撒播;使散开,驱散;vi. 分散,消散。spray v. 喷,喷射。spread vt. 摊开;散布,传播;vi. 传开,蔓延。disperse v.(使)分散,(使)消散;驱散;散开。

scene [si?n] n. ①场面;舞台;风景;(电影、戏剧)一场


This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes. 这个剧分为三幕,每一幕有三个场景。

①behind the scenes幕后的;秘密的;暗中②on the scene出现;登场③set the scene准备,预备

scenery [?si?n?ri] n. 天然景色;舞台布景

As we neared the border the_____became lush and spectacular.

A. landmark

B. scenery

C. sight

D. horizon

【答案】B. scenery n. 风景,景色;舞台布景(如She enjoyed mountain scenery. The scenery up at the lake is just breathtaking.)。landmark n. 界标;里程碑。sight n. 情景,奇观;(pl.)风景,名胜。horizon n. 地平线;(pl.)眼界,见识。

scent [sent] n. ①气味,香气


schedule [??edju?l;(US)?sked?ul] n. 时间表,进度表

①ahead of schedule比时间表提前The task will be finished ahead of schedule if nothing prevents. 如果没有什么阻碍的话,这项任务将提前完成。②on schedule准时③behind schedule落后于时间表

【试题精练】Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on_____.

A. list

B. plan

C. schedule

D. shift

【答案】C. on schedule准时,按规定时间(注:可以说according to plan按计划;on the day/night shift上日班/夜班;没有其他几个说法)。

scientific [?sai?n?tifik] a. ①科学(上)的


【长难例句】The goal of all will be to try to explain to a confused and often unenlightened citizenry that there are not two equally valid scientific theories for the origin and evolution of universe and life. 所有这些书的目的都是要努力向迷惑而且通常还没有被启发的普通民众解释:不可能有两种同样站得住脚的关于宇宙和生命的起源和演化的科学理论同时存在。

scientist [?sai?ntist] n. 科学家

【长难例句】But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago. 但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观测到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前的形状和结构。

scissors [?siz?z] n. (pl.) 剪刀

scold [sk?uld] v. 训斥,责骂

scope [sk?up] n. (活动、影响的)范围;(发挥能力的)余地,机会

【习惯用语】①beyond sb’s scope非某人所能理解,在某人的活动[观察]范围以外②give free [full] scope to sth (=give sth free [full] scope)给予某种行动以充分的自由;充分发挥某种能力、精神等③give line and scope欲擒故纵,先给自由后压制

score [sk??(r)] n. 得分;分数;二十

know the score了解实情,了解真情

scorn [sk??n] n./v. ①轻视,藐视


【习惯用语】laugh sb/sth to scorn (=pour scorn on)不屑一顾;嘲弄

scout [skaut] n. ①侦察员


v. 侦察,搜索

scramble [?skr?mb(?)l] vi. ①(快速地)爬,攀登


scrap [skr?p] v. 吵架

scrape [skreip] v./n.①擦,刮


scratch [skr?t?] vt. ①搔,抓


If you make a cat angry, it may_____you.

A. tear

B. scratch

C. snatch

D. scrape

【答案】B. scratch vt. 抓,搔,扒。tear vt. 撕,撕裂,扯破。snatch vt. 夺,抢夺;一把抓住;抓住(机会)。scrape vt. 刮,擦。

scream [skri?m] v./n. ①尖叫,发出刺耳声


He was a perfect scream. 他是极其可笑的。

【词义辨析】scream, shriek和screech




【试题精练】The girl_____when she saw a snake.

A. shouted

B. cried

C. yelled

D. screamed

【答案】D. scream vi. 发出刺耳的尖叫声。shout vi. 呼喊,呼叫。cry v. 哭;叫喊。yell vi.(大声)叫喊,号叫。

screen [skri?n] v. 遮蔽,掩蔽

n. 屏幕;屏风

①put on a screen of indifference假装冷淡②be screened from保……使不受的影响③screen off用幕隔开

screw [skru?] v. 拧紧

n. ①螺丝钉②螺旋式的旋转,螺线般的一拧


【习惯用语】①a screw loose毛病,故障;古怪;精神不大正常,疯疯巅癫②put the screws on sb威胁某人做某事

script [skript] n. ①手稿,打了原稿


scrub [skr?b] vt. 用力擦洗

scrutiny [?skru?tini] n. ①周密的调查,仔细看,监视


screwdriver [?skru?draiv?(r)] n. 螺丝起子



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