
novel n. 小说 a. 新颖的

The plot in this novel is quite novel. 这部小说的情节非常新颖。

nurse n. 护士;保姆 vt. 护理

She used to be a nurse in a local hospital and therefore knows well how to nurse her daughter. 她曾在当地一家医院做护士,因此很懂得如何照料女儿。

nut n. 干果;螺母 n. 傻子

He’s such a nut that he’s cracking nuts with his fist. 他真是个傻子,居然用拳头砸坚果。

park n. 公园;停车场 v. 停放(车辆等)

There is a vacant place near the park. You can park there. 公园附近有个空位,你可以把车停在那儿。

patient n. 病人 a. 有耐心的

Doctors should be patient with their patients. 医生对待病人要有耐心。

block n. 街区;大块;障碍物 vt. 堵塞;阻碍

A huge block of stone blocks the road after mountain landslides. 山体滑坡后,一大块石头堵住了道路。

blue a. 蓝色的;色情的 n. 蓝色 a. 忧郁的

It is easy to tell that the girl in blue is feeling kind of blue at this moment. 不难看出,那个穿蓝色衣服的女孩此刻心情不好。

boss n. 老板 vt. 指挥

The five-year-old girl loves to boss people around. She’s something great to be a boss. 这个五岁的女孩喜欢对人发号施令。她是个当老板的料。

bug n. 虫子;缺陷;窃听器 vt. 烦扰;在…装窃听器

Many bugs are flying around the lamp and bugging me. 很多小虫绕着灯乱飞,实在让人讨厌。

choice n. 选择 a. 上等的,精选的

We made a choice to select the choicest apples for our pies. 我们决定挑选最优质的苹果来制作馅饼。

lead v. 领路;领导;(to)导致;领先 n. 领先,领导 n. 铅

Lead in food may lead to poor health. 食物中的铅会导致健康受损。

light n. 光线;光源 a. 光线充足的;淡色的;轻的;愉快的;清淡的 vt. 点燃;照亮 n. 灯;火

The room is light and spacious. I don’t need to turn on the lights on cloudy days. 屋子明亮宽敞,阴天我都不用开灯。

lonely a. 孤独的 a. 荒凉的

I walked on the sand of a lonely beach, but I didn’t feel lonely. 我走在一个人迹罕至的海滩上,但并不感到孤独。

lot n. 许多 n. 签,抽签;命运;一块地

There’s a lot of housework to do. The couple drew lots to see who would wash dishes. 要做的家务事很多,这对夫妻抓阄决定谁来洗碗。

major a. 主要的 n. 专业 vi.(in)主修 n. 少校

That handsome major was an English major before he joined the army. 那位英俊的少校入伍前主修英语。

period n. (一段)时间 n. 学时;句号

I forget what class we have first period since I’ve been absent for such a long period of time. 缺课这么长时间,我都不记得我们第一节上什么课了。




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